Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Final Debate

After canvassing for Obama yesterday, my debate buddies and I went up to the state theater to watch the final Presidential debate between Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain. First stopping a Bubba's for a bite to eat and a drink. Great convo and a good rev up for the debate. I highly recommend their tacos and long island iced tea!

Last night was do or die for John McCain. In my own opinion he totally tanked despite some reports that he started strong and "curdled" in the middle. He came across as an angry old man whom was erratic and just could not get it together. It was like he was under so much pressure to give all these one liners and attacks and just wasn't sure when was the best time to use them, so he figured as long as he threw them in when he had a moment of silence, he was all good with his party and their pressures to "get him". And judging from his supporters reactions today, they are pleased as punch that he gave some sharp one liners. Regardless if they made no organized sense or had nothing to do with the question that was being asked. Looking almost desperate at times. But this is the mentality of his supporters. Whatever helps them get threw the day I guess. Barack responded articulately and detailed and corrected the Senator on all the smear attempts.

Barack did a fantastic job at holding himself in a higher step above the angry old man. He was so presidential last night. Giving all of us, that have been wringing our wrists for the last 8 years, some hope of our country getting to a place where we are respected once again and for once living up to the claims of why America is the land of opportunity, the land of where all is welcome, the land where we can all hold our heads high in the world. A land where the super power takes care of it's own before bombing and destroying other countries. Killing innocent human beings in the process. A land where all of our people are treated equally and given the same right to be healthy and get the best education a super power should be giving it's people.

This republican idea that it's "Mine Mine Mine" is getting troubling in the light of this election. I honestly have to ask where the hell did that attitude come from? How could so many go threw life thinking only about themselves and not those whom are less fortunate. Caring and giving to others is not an American thing, it's a part of us that comes with being a human being. Compassion. The state the country has come to be has seemed to have excluded that simple human trait that we are all born with. Republicans push this "Mine Mine Mine" attitude at just about every microphone and to anyone that will listen. Look at where it has gotten us? Look at where our country is now, based on that one premise alone. Yes none of us want to pay more taxes, but how else is our country going to be repaired from the last eight years. You all should have thought about that when you elected an pimp for the oil companies and not to mention a "new style republican". Now those same people that put this idiot in charge do not want anything to do with repairing the country by paying more taxes. Wow is that character or what? We all have to sacrifice for the sake of our country to get us out of this horrible mess and maybe next time you'll think twice before electing Joe 6-pack. How do you think those of us that did not vote for him feel and now know what it is we have to do to fix our country. And YOU're mad about paying more taxes????? Those of you that wanted this guy in charge? Funny how you all had a hand in what is gone wrong, yet don't want anything to do with fixing it! Irony is a bitch. Personally the perfect karma would be that those of you that voted for him should be the only ones paying the taxes. But we can all dream right?

I listened to Fox and read the republican blogs and still can not see how they are still getting as many people as they are to listen and head their message. Is it a false cover for racism? Or better yet a cover for that other human trait that we possess even though learn early on that it's not an attractive quality. Greed? Whatever the reason, I am truly glad the we have democracy and that the majority of people are tired of these people running this country on that empty heartless premise. The party itself has evolved into this beast that will stop at nothing to maintain it's control on it's people. Thank all that there is for democracy in the United States.

Barack really showed the country last night that change is ok and there is nothing to fear and that we can become the nation we are meant to be. Regardless of the hate and greed that's run our country for the last eight years. I just thought McCain would have gotten that message as well. That shield of greed and feeding into those that fear an African American president seems to be what the republicans think will give them the win. But what it will end up being is the turning point where the party will go down in history and will one day be read in the books as the moment the republicans destroyed their own party. Let's all hope for democracy's sake that they figure this out soon and rebuild the party as what is was meant to be by our founding fathers.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Debate Day

Well here is yet again another chance for McCain to knock it out of the park! [Insert sarcasm here] Will he prevail with his attempts to bring into the spotlight, the old played out story of William Ayers or Tony Rezko? Go for the "below the belt" hit that would play to those Joe 6 packs or others that are not as educated on the issues. It's hard to say what this "erratic" candidate will pull out of his sleeve. Maybe he'll even again defend his complete tolerance of the radical supports he defends when they yell "kill him".... at the same time throwing a jab at John Lewis, whom is a true pioneer in the civil rights movement and a one time person McCain admired. Lewis was right on point with his comments about the current elements of the McCain/Palin rallies. I found it rather comical that McCain actually took offense and managed to put his own spin on the meaning of Lewis's comments. Too much!

All of this seems surreal to me. Almost as if a yearning for such activities to have taken place when Kerry was trying to unseat that disaster we have sitting at Pennsylvania Ave. I can still remember the frustration and anger at the "lack of" response to those similar swift boat attacks that we see all too much now. But I honestly think that maybe it wasn't the right time for us as a nation to have someone elected that would not even fight off the morons that play to the stupidity of the Joe 6 packs of America. Would we have been better off? It's hard to say. The liberal pulse in me says sure! But the common sense says maybe not so much. But we are seeing that this year and I have never been happier! To lead this country out of the bottomless pit of disgrace we need someone with integrity, intelligence, compassion, one that understands what it's like to be an average American trying to survive in times like we are now. As well as someone that will not allow the other side to distort and maliciously influence the citizens to continue the self policies that have gotten them thus far. That person is Barack Obama. He's proved himself to be one that will lead us to the nation we are meant to be! Their little parade, at the expense of the American people, ends this year.

Speaking of shady characters, I just read an article written by Roland Martin, Cnn contributor. He brings up the issue about Palin needing to start answering questions. She herself brought up the issue that we really don't know who Barack is. Really? Well Rolland is right on the mark that we do NOT know who Sarah Palin is. She refuses to answer the questions, tough questions about herself. Yet claims to be the expert on Barack Obama. Sure it's easy to go to those whom will obviously feed you with "safe" questions such as Hannity & Limbaugh but steering clear of those true journalist that will ask the important questions in this election... Do you support your husbands belief in session as well as his past membership to the group fighting to make that happen? Do you really believe that Iraq and 9/11 are related? Why is it that you support the of hunting wolves from airplanes? O yeah and how about the abuse of power? Breaking ethics laws in your own state? Violating the trust of the Alaskans and not to mention the American people. Why not answer the questions that are just as important, if not more, than those you que at your inciteful rallies against Barack. Why is it we as Americans can not DEMAND that she answer these and many other important questions? Yes Barack has answered and responded to EVERY allegation and/or question. Yet she can continue the line of hateful inciting at these rallies and go on running unaccountably as the republican VP? What is wrong with people? I guess throwing out there the words "terrorist" and "Muslim" are key tricks in the deflection game.

So will these questions ever be address by the VP running mate. Considering her ability to stumble and stammer when questioned, I highly doubt it. But I truly do hope that there are many out there that ask the same questions of our candidate or lack there of when it comes time to pull the lever.

Here's to another day of canvassing for the greatest man to ever have been nominated to run for the presidential office! Rainy or not it will be worth every step, every door and every voter!

Then there's the debate.... lol well there's a great start for a blog tomorrow!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Getting This Thing Rolling

Well since I've started this thingy I guess it's only proper that I give it a shot and post my first blog..

The current thoughts flooding my brain as the Saturday ticks on.. Sarah Palin.

The well anticipated Trooper Gate report was released last night and as most of us expected, it exposed her abuse of power.

Of coarse we've heard the McCain spin doctors and their take that it was a "partisan lynching". Do they really think we're that naive? Partisan? When the panel consisted of 10 republicans & 4 democrats. I guess in a way it could be seen as such being that there are 10 republicans on the panel. Hmm I wonder how that works in her favor as spin? Of coarse I'm being a smart ass in this as I know exactly what they are trying to play on the American people. The investigation was started long before she threw her hat in the ring. There were "claims" that Obama's people flew up there to dig all the dirt up on her.. mind you there was a pile already sitting there waiting. But in all fairness it was McCain's cronies aka lawyers that went in and did everything they could to interfere. Blatantly interfere.

I'm beginning to wonder if there was some sort of promise made to Palin from McCain when asked to be his running mate.. a promise that his "pull" could get this thing forgotten about. Well that kinda backfired right? But in all respects the spin doctors are doing their best to make this go away.

Thank goodness for those of us whom are paying attention and do see this as a huge blow to their campaign. And there will be those within their own campaign that will agree.

I could just picture McCain last night when the report came out dropping two antacids and the veins popping out of his skull.

What gets me is that here she is "inciting" hate speeches all week.. knowing that by the end of the week the same questions she posed on Obama would soon be slapping her in the face. Let her explain why she hasn't been forth coming to the American people. Hockey moms shouldn't throw pucks in glass houses.

I'm just glad to finally see this hate mongering take an unexpected turn for the McCain campaign. Regardless of how this all pans out.. I am convinced that every time this blow hard speaks from now on there WILL be those that question her honesty and will think of Trooper Gate and her less than proper handling's as Governor. If anything, doesn't she owe the state of Alaska an apology for lying all these months? She did violate the public trust.